Bill Murray Thank You Gif - Bill Murray -
Here's a Bill Murray Thank You Gif to make your friend laugh.
Funny story about Bill Murray—he's the only comedic actor to ever win an Academy Award (for Lost in Translation in 2003), but the oddball Chicago native had always considered his career to be over. So when his Lost in Translation Oscar and numerous other awards started stacking up, Murray's agent called and told him he was "brand new again." It was a pivotal moment for the actor, who had been through countless years of comedic success without a great film to call his own. The actor started thinking about new possibilities, new characters, new stories. Soon after that phone call, the commercial world began to fill Murray's mind with possibilities for his next move. In the years that followed, the actor appeared in numerous commercials for major companies and even headlined a sketch comedy show in Chicago, both moves that solidified him as a bona fide STAR!
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